By now, you know this neighborhood is one that you’re committed to for the long haul. We encourage you to prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to implementing these actions as they are complex, multi-year projects that involve many different stakeholders. Whether you’ve just settled into a locale in the last year, or have been there for decades, we hope there are suggestions below that will continually challenge you to keep evolving alongside, and investing in, your fellow community members.

Investing in the Community’s Future

How Are These Working for You?

If you are currently implementing any of these action steps and would like to discuss ideas, brainstorm solutions, or troubleshoot with a virtual community of like-minded folks, we encourage you to join our Discord server and post about your work in the #gentrification-hospitality channel.

We are always looking for more actions, resources, and case studies to include in this toolkit! As we mentioned from the beginning, gentrification is a systemic issue that requires all of us to tackle together. If you have suggestions on how we can improve this toolkit, or additional examples and resources we could include to make it more useful for business owners and workers, we would absolutely love to hear from you! Our inbox is always open at [email protected].


Before Signing A Lease

Between Signing A Lease and Opening

Upon Opening

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